2009年5月31日 星期日
4 days to go
When people chanted their grievance to the regime, sued the government for bribery, in an attempt to make the country turn to a better way, would you dub them as a dissident or traitor?
How can a government make such a decision to sent tanks to crush their people and order troops to trample on the people bodies? just in light of the people had not hailed them?
Can a ballyhoo written by ink taint the history recorded by blood?
We should not make it too sentimental, but were needed to hold the truth for next generation.
2009年5月24日 星期日
你的樣子如何, 你的日子也必如何? Your face is you fate?
Despite it is not something unprecedented, even old-fashioned, it still makes me feel fresh and passionate, by that newly screened movie. The story is very simple as a fairy tale, it is some kind of the film that you can forecast the ending at the beginning. A fat and nasty looked guy, who chef in a small restaurant, find it is hard to make friend with any girl. Despite he has tried for many times, and he is a really optimistic, enthusiastic and ruthful guy, but all the girls dislike him just due to his ugly face. When he is sombre and wants to give up, he is given a "homesome suit". As the name. meaning, the suit can make the wearer to be the most handsome guy u can ever imagine. The guy's fate is thus change dramatically, he get all the girls' attendtion, haunted by a flock of pretty women. The ending is easy to guess, and i dont want to say anymore, just see it by yourself.
To my recollection, there was a similar movie srceened in Honk Kong years ago, casted by Andy Lau.
With similar story (maybe not that similar), but the endings of those two story are very different. The guy and the girl in "Love on a diet" were both fat and nasty, and faced many hurdles from their society due to their bad-looking. The guy suffered and dedicated to make the girl get enough money to receive surgery to be a pretty girl. After all, the surgery was very sucessful, and the girl was touched by that noble act form the guy, and the ending is: "You are so slim!?"
Well, what a happy ending, both the guy and the girl now look so fit and beautiful, cheer~
So, what's in the mind of our city's media? Basically it was a good movie, and some of the scenes were very meaningful and touching, the guy's dedication is a really sacrifice to the girl. But ironically, the ending ruins it all. Why the people with those noble traits must have to possess a good looking face to archieve a good ending? It seem the story is just to say that despite you have made a lots of sacrifice, you have to get a charming apperance, get it?
"Handsome suit" obviously drawfed the "Love on a diet". At lease "Handsome suit" has sent you one meaningful message: The most handsome guy is the one who can really love and appreicate himself, and thus he can also love and appreicate the others, as to protect the others. The guy who hates himself and always shames the reality is merely a ugly guy, no matter how handsome is he, that guy can only to be cosmetic, selfish and reclusive. Just one thing: the apperance is not important at all: Is it just a imaginary? Is that somethings old-fashioned? Yes, definitely. The story overlooks one thing very important in the reality: Come on, not all of the fat guy possesses a ruthful heart, as not all of the cool man shares a bad traits. Anyways, the movie is funny and the message is solemn, I love it.
2009年5月23日 星期六
How to keep a habit?
If you want to get sometimes, you would first give out somthing. Just like that you should first seek to understand, then to be understood. But i guess it is not a piece of cake.
I always say that nothing is impossible, unless you give up. Yes i know, you just dont agree with it. it sound like a simple, not mature and short sighted guy would say. If you see more, hear more, look into the reality, you easily found that the obstacles are everywhere, they are overwhelming, enormous, make you contract, make you shirk. You have no choice but give it up.
But i want to believe (not X-File) the most valuable thing can only be made with the longest, most ineffective way. "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional". You dont believe it, my friends dont believe it, even my closest family, doesnt believe it. Okay, but i have my independent will, i want to believe it. Despite i feel really tired.
2009年5月9日 星期六
不游得 - About swimming
Many people know how to swim pretty well, but i am not one of them. I am too weak for freestyle, too aggressive for backstroke, too struggled for breast stroke, and, too tired for butterfly stroke. Perhaps swimming is funny for you, but i want to say, it is a suffering for me. I have a friend (Dennis) who is really good at swimming and he is my coach (but not very professional). At first, he teached me how to do freesytle, when i was a novice for swimming. No matter how hard he taught, how hard i tried, i just could not do it for 50 metres. In that summer, the utmost i could do is just about 25m. As you could see in swimming pool, many old man, old woman, even baby girl, can do 100 more metres easily, and you could understand how frustrated i was. In the next summer, it's better - 40 metre. Some of my friends, those did not know how to swim very well and received no train, could finish 50 metre easily. You could see someone who keep waving his body in the water, but didn't move any forward. Yes, it is me. It made me feel some kind of depression, and some kind of angry. I have done it unremittingly, I spent all my time, why i can't make it ? The another side of pool seem too far to reach, my body seem too heavy to float. I was hydrophobic. Maybe basketball or running was a better chioce for me.
But i dont know why, i just haven't given up at that time. Never think of me that i am a tough guy, i am not, definitely. Maybe my ancestry have done somethings, ghost knows? As i saw all the people surpassing me, i just kept waving my body, not very nice-looking, unremittingly. Sometimes others would think of that i was drowned. I crawled in the water, metre by metre. One day, i found i can reach the another side of pool, despite slowly - I made it. That 50 metres made me a shining moment in my life. So i could do as good as my friends, Yeah~
So how about how far i can go now? Over 1000 metre, i am not kidding. But my pace is still low, i can just do it slowly. It doesn't matter, i am not going to win someone, i just want to do it better. It is very slow progressing, but i make it go forward, i drill it inch by inch. Maybe it is a solely a kind of rigid, i dont know. Only little people is a inborn winner, for someone like me with no any talent and brillant mind, i am glad to have this kind of rigid - Maybe it is my lalent.
2009年5月3日 星期日
你個罩呢? where is your mask ?
Well, i bet i will see not more than one-tenth putting on their mask when i board the bus tomorrow.
Share something interesting with you:
" We all know Schubert had not a nickel to spare, so why u still think of that classic music is just for wealthy? "
I am gald to see the HK Sinfonietta take efforts to beckon people to know classical music in terms of young and fun, even i know nothing with classical.