2009年8月30日 星期日
weekly review
Ted Kennedy had passed away, posing an end to the Kennedy's legendary dynasty. The leftover America's medical reform issue would thus be stalled because of the pass of the 'powerhouse'.
Dalai Lama's visit to Taiwan put the president Ma to an awkward postion. The swift response from Taipei seemed to foil the plot of DPP sucessfully.
Parents of speical school's students failed to protract the free education period to their children.
Arsenal was routed by MU in result of 2-1. (Fxxk you, Man Dog)
2009年8月23日 星期日
Home Alone
I presumed that unless you lived only with yourself, you were hardly to have such a peaceful night. I was envisaging to finance my family to travel aborad again and so i could have another happy hour. (Sorry again, My mom.)
2009年8月16日 星期日
A watershed in life - 《UP》沖天救兵

For those have yet to see the movie, Pls think twice to proceed this passage. I went to see the movie a week before. When i leave the cinema, i merely though that it's just fairly good, contrasted with a pervasive praise to the movie. Many dubbed the movie as "the best movie in the summer that you must go to", and i presumed i was duped at this moment. The story was indeed pristine and touching, and told with a entertained way that made the movie very conclusive. I conceded that the movie was indeed a good movie providing a profound amusement, but was it really worth such a overwhelming hailing?
After his wife passed away, a old man's life plunged into vacant. He found that life became so diffcult without her, and the sweet memories in the pass grinded him a lot. One day, a accident propelled him to recall a promise that he had made to his wife a long time ago. To address the miss to his honey, old man set to ride and strived to fullfill the promise that he had made in the pass, that's the opening of the story. Old man and a boy had hurdled many uphill and thorny challenges and turned out that they accomplished the struggled mission. Maybe the 3D-glasses made me so uncomfortable, that i was already wearing my glasses, i was somehow disappointed by the movie. If you really treasure and love someone, you should do good for her(him) when she's alive. Death is a inevitable destination for all of us, we cannot turn it around, so we should know that the time for us to stay with our loves is very limited - we cannot envisage what'll happen tomorrow. We must be grateful when we are still mingling with our loves, and strive to grip every chance to escalate our relationship. If you want to do sth for them, DO IT NOW, dont wait and hide it in heart. When it's too late, you have nobody to blame but yourself. No matter you set to do anything, weep how miserablely, the people you loved would never know, and you are merely compensating yourself, mitigating you grief - it is totally meaningless. Pls dont soak in the story and obscure by the colourful movie scene, it is reality.
This perspective persisted in my mind for a few days. But everytime when i recalled the scene of the story, i got bewildered. I didnt think that a cosmetic story can touch anyone, but, i confessed i was somehow touched by the brave old man. Maybe i had missed something. In these day, I attempted to open up myself and let the story sink in, and forget about the 3D-glasses, I seemingly got a brandnew view of the story.
When you plunge in an desperate ordeal that it deprives everything from you, razes everything you built, and now you are not as strong as in the pass. You have nothing, and your life seems surplus and no merit, apparently death is the only wayout to you. At this moment, do you have the courage to restart everything again? Can you ignite the flame in your heart - as you do in the pass, engage to a new tour and write down a new page in your life?
There is a very enlightened quote from 《Rocky Balboa》, and i think it can appropriatly explain the gist of the movie: "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! "
That's the point i overlook. For the old man, it is not something self-compensation or remedy, it is substantially a badge of his courage, a courage to usher himself in a new page, a courage to overcome uphill challenges with his frail and pesky body - it is the courage to make a watershed for the man's life. It is not for the pass, it is for the future. I persume that's just the movie intended to show us, and it is just the reason to touch me.
Well, maybe it is the best movie in the summer that you must go to.
Reference link: 回到核心去︰《沖天救兵》的「冒險號」
2009年8月9日 星期日
In this weekend
I pledged that i would never be plagued again by such movie.
I got very bewildered that why did other people sitting around us vie to laugh? Sometimes i presumed that Hong Kong was really a heaven and chances were ubiquitous, because the city was heavily laden with dupes - maybe i was one of them, too.
2009年8月1日 星期六
Who's accountable?
Okay, now come back to the topic.

The Book Fair had been ended on early this week, and i didn't go for it. But i still want to say somethings. The Fair in this year sucessfully lured crowd but not money. The overall sales of chinese book was well short of excepted and sank of about 10%, since the attendants surged about 20% to last year. English-books gained a substantial growing but didn't help much. Instead the fair was almost overtaken by the pseudo models.
The pseudo models rolled out their racy photo albums in the book fair, has drawn fierce criticism form pubilc. Many accused that the prominent and solemn local cultural activity was turned around by those indecent publication. Many Believed that it was outrageous to reckon those racy albums as class 1 - either obscene nor indecent, in light of the photos emphasizing the models' curvy body. Most parents lashed the albums that it was sold openly and making their children contacted such racy photo easily, they urged it should be a adult zone in the fair to turn teenager away form such porn material. We could see obviously that most public was reluctant to see those pseudo models in the fair by many reasons. Some youngster deployed a silent march in the pavilion to show grievance to the pseudo model, said there were no room in the cultural fair for those pseudo models.
Somehow those accusations were reasonable, for instance, the adult zone and the preposterous classification to the album. But I got bewildered that what's the reason to get rid of the pseudo models? You could moan their demeaning behaviour, you could boycott them, you were permitted to do so. But we were not eligible to prohibit their participation. We could pay a enormous cost to do so and we could never able to afford. Speech freedom and diversity are the cadres of a civilized society - If we really banned those models, we were going to pay both of them. Just because today you exploits "obscene" as a reason to deport the models, yesterday you can pick another reason to turn another batch of people away - it is solely a arbitrary. Public sentiment could never be put in line with the principle. If we over relied on morality, it would be prejudicial to the justice of the society.
Pseudo-models overtooking the book fair was not an moral issue, it should be an market issue. There was a demand, and supply ensued. The substantial problem should be "Why those demand was so big?", and the fact was that such enormous demand confused the public to turn the course to the models. So who's accountable to this issue? Many, but none of the models. Education, pressured city life would be counted.
But Why them?