2010年1月31日 星期日
2010年1月24日 星期日
2010年1月17日 星期日
The Greatest Google

The undaunted internet giant wins praise for it giving up censorship on web serach service in China. Google has done a great job to tell the importance of speech freedom and set a example to other enterprises which have given compromises under the assertiveness of China. It dare to offend authorities for the sake of retaining the crucial motto of the company is worth us to repect.
But it is really a hard decision to give up such a huge market as China. It seems reckless for the giant to abandon astronomical take-home profits to just gain public respects in return. China is not likely to give concession to the giant for its defiant act, so it apparently implies the business of Google in China will not be sustainable. But the leave of Google, a powerful competitor, will probably undermine the innovation and development of mainland's internet industries due to lack of competition, as Baidu would nearly take over the entire market share once Google leave. It is solely a lose-lose approach, i don't think the two parties will accept it as a final result. I presume one of them will give in, but i can't imagine China will be that one.
So far I really appreciate Google's noble act to keep loyal to its crucial motto, but i guess the outcome may not be elegant as we expect.
2010年1月3日 星期日
Good bye, 2009.
2009 is a very eventful year, we had witnessed Economic Tsunami, Obama be the first black US president, the pass away of Michael Jackson and the 60th anniversary of Republic of China. So much events had happened in 2009, and each event has still impacted our world unprecedentedly.
Albeit the world has devoted to ride out from economic downturn, there're still long way to go. Obama had been confered the Noble Prize of Peace, but it's yet to see any concrete result come with his works. China has garnered more and more say in the international bloc, but its assertiveness seems growing with its state power. It seems 2010 will still be a hilly year, i hope everythings have a positive outcome.
Welcome, 2010.

P.S. Goodbye again, Michael.
Albeit the world has devoted to ride out from economic downturn, there're still long way to go. Obama had been confered the Noble Prize of Peace, but it's yet to see any concrete result come with his works. China has garnered more and more say in the international bloc, but its assertiveness seems growing with its state power. It seems 2010 will still be a hilly year, i hope everythings have a positive outcome.
Welcome, 2010.

P.S. Goodbye again, Michael.
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