Today is 5th April 2009, don't be afraid that u have been backed to the 1995. It has been 14 years and many things has been change and cannot be returned. But i think it is appropiate to talk sth i like-most in my blog. Absolutely Eva is one of them. It is hard to introduce that great anime in words, if u r one of the Eva fans, u realises my meaning. If u has never seen or heard that b4, i highly recommend u to see it once. I have great confident to say that u will regret for meeting it too late. The paper angel Wiki has done a great job to make u a basic (?) concept about Eva: Click Me
1995, it's the Era of VHS, is a meaningful year of the japan anime to have such unpercedent impact - the first publishment of Neon Genesis Evangelion. At the beginning it was not very well known and it seemed that new comer cannot catch anyone's attendtion. The first time i saw it is because of my sister's boyfriend, who lended me a comic version of Eva, volume 1 and 2. It should be One of my important ossacations in my life (maybe it is too serious to say that). I had been falled in the world of eva, i slaved.
I remembered that a video shop in town-centre, where becomed a toy department of Jusco right now, selling japan anime VHS. For each time i went with my mother to town centre, i tried to make myself a chance to go to the shop, just to see the box covers of those Eva VHS. It should be about 25 or 26 volumes, and i cant took a look to all of them each time, i just had too little time to do so cos my mum would take me out. It had already been my lightened moment, for a little boy like me. I never thought about to buy 1 or 2 volumes cos i had no such cash, further, i enjoyed that sweet-heart moment , 3 or 4 minutes a day, was my most preious time. Yes, I had already realised the meaning of what the fox said to little prince at that time. (Though i desperatly tried to find those VHS when i grown up).
For a boy so young, easy to be influenced, the symbolic anime hit me with a enormous impact. A unspeakable depression feeling was took-over the entire story, and it made those char in the story a extra-ordinary charm and a unique world outlook. I easily dissloved in the story everytime, i was lightened with them, i depressed with them, i sorrowed with them.
But sometimes i struggled to talk about the Eva ot my new friend. Absolutely i love it, but the anime came up with so great deal of 'otakuism'(?). To be a otaku, someone who easily misunderstand by people surrounding, it makes me a little bit uneasy to share and discuss with. (Yes, i am so defective).
It has been 14 yrs, i am no longer a little boy. My heart is no more room for sth like that. I be a person who hard to influence (?), only little things can rasie my interest and make me commit in. It is the price we paid to grown up. Despite we has lost sth in growing, we get sth new, sth more important, sth make us able to find and pursue our own dream. We will be more proative, we more realise the world. We can set our own target, and go ahead as fast as u can. We are not likely to return to pursuit our highest form. Sth will be leave behind, it is inevitable. That's why it is so preious, cos we cannot get it again.
The 2nd episode of Eva movie will be going to show in summer this yr. i remembered the 1st episode was shown in spring in 2008, and nobody wanted to go with me at that time. I was so frustrated at the moment. I hope i can get someone to go along with me this yr. Thanks God.