I has never though that the 2nd time i mentioned about MJ in my blog was about such sombre news. Michael Jackson, the most influence pop-singer ever, a uniter of black and white music who break the race obstacle on MTV, was declared dead on 26 - 06 - 2009 (Hong Kong). People all over the world were shocked by this news, and it would be one of the most gloomy day in the history.
Michael Jackson devoted his whole life to music and left a unprecedented legacy to the world. His versatile music talent, astonishing creativity and unique dancing would engrave on people's heart. The world would remember that we once had a living legend who we had never got before, no one can deprive his marvellous and inclusive contribution to the modern music.
Speculation was made that MJ' death was a result of over-taking of a fierce painkiller, but the truth of his death was still pending till next week. But i believed the cause of MJ's death was not drug or sth, but the comeback concert. I didnt think that How can a frail Michael Jackson take 50 concerts ? If you have seen the MJ's concert before, you would know it is really a stamina dump. Smooth criminal, then Billie jean and Dangerous ensued, no any rest or break was put up, how can a 50 years old Micheal take it? It would be the reason for MJ to abuse painkiller - which was likely to sent him to the grave.
The company organized the MJ comeback concert was severely hit with the MJ's death, which has already invested more than 30m US dollar to the concert. Previously the company claimed that they were willing to take the risk and strived to bring the legendary pop-singer to the stage - i just didnt know what i should say, it was solely a bad-luck to the company. Source gauged that extra 80m US dollar would need to spend to retrieve the concert tickets. Despite some of the fans called for a reclaim to the concert ticket, i cannot find any more stupid than. Okay, if you really want to get back the money, i am merely willing to buy it, which would be the most valuable estate of MJ- a badge of the final and unfinished concert.
I put my greatest sorrow to Micheal Jackson's death, I am here to show my utmost respect and grief to the most lengendary pop singer. Thanks very much for your every giving to us.