I was grateful to meet this book. The Great Gatsby 大亨小傳 was reckoned as the badge of the America literature and hailed as one of the greatest english literature ever. I confessed that it was a pie in the sky for a amateur like me in an attempt to grip the wisdom inside the book, it was not a modesty. But almost all the great literature shared a amazing trait - even you merely snatched a little piece from it, it would still be enough to make you abundant.
Apparently it was a tragic story about a tycoon chasing a dream, a unreachable but splendid dream. But we would all know (or presume?) the book was much more than a tragic story. We were witnessing a great soul contending in an ordeal. Seemingly it was a story solely about Jay Gatsby, but in fact it was a story of every american, the deepened virtue engraved on every american's heart. A fragile soul, even being lashed, punched, or smashed, endured to approach the destination, made a dream real, and that's what achieving today's America. Thus the dream was not solely to Jay, it was substantially the America's Dream. Jay Gatsby was completely the projection of the ideal charater stemmed form the America spirit. In the story, Nick had said: "They're the rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together." (他們都是混蛋, 那一個都及不上你.)
Here i would like to derail a while, talking another book - "The Seven Habits of Highly effective People", the best-seller have been classified as a business administration and self-help book. But it would be an interesting experience for you when read "Seven Habits" prior to "The Great Gatsby". You would found they were laying on the same priciple. It seemed that Jay was the so-called "Effective people". In fact, i have usually though that "Seven Habits" was not merely a business book, it was in fact talking about the American spirit, the unique elements comprised in the American Culture.
To read a certain country's literature, garnering a preliminary understanding of that country culture was always a great help. We can make it by many ways, for instance, by the history, musical, even movie. For a passive behavior like reading, you were still needed to proactively prepare to do it well, so i always believed that reading was a skillful habit, as sport, it needed you to devote, pratice, endure and then be remunerated.
If possible, i will go for the book fair in this year before tuesday, albeit it would be very unlikely.