It is likely to be the most weary TV show on Sunday. The show is just taking the cue from its Taiwan counterpart, but everything is entirely down-graded. It attempts to emphasize the friendship among the participants, tries to pose a ruthful ambience to the show. But they overdo it, such makeshift emotion is unable to grab any sympathy and it solely makes the progamme cosmetic. The soild relation between participants seems stemming from nothing, and you would presume they are already well-known each other for a very long haul. When one of them is out, the others would cry miserably and vie to embrace the pathetic loser, despite they have not even talked with each other. The producers may envisage that the audience are a dupe at all.
The talk-too-much hostess also play a big role in the show. Every single word form her mouth is never handled with her brain, her meaningless comments and defiant attitude to the particpants shows her lack of modesty. Apparently the producers also spot her inability to take up the show, so they arrange a relatively more versatile actor to be her partner in an attempt to mitigate the strained ambience. And i am now grateful to see that she obviously talks much lesser than before.
All of participants are just ordinary folk, none of them can be dubbed as a Super-Star. I concede we should not pose such illegitimate demand on them, they are just amateur, i know. In fact they have outshone a bunch of appliants to grab the qualification, and if the profession of the judges is concrete, we would only assert that the competition is fail to grip genius talent to take part. There are many similar singing contest held in the past, but then no one can get the whereabouts of those winners. Even someone wins such march, his/her path to sucess is not promised. So there is just a measly attraction for the talents to take part in those contest, in stead they may opt to roll out their masterpiece by their own or just wait to be excavated by prominent producers. In fact they are not needed to play a role in those farces. However i still intent to praise the courage of those participants, even there are a big room for them to improve.
Maybe the only thing that can please you is the judges. Most of them is a versatile and experienced performer, and boast a substantial achievements, they are solely a team of veteran singer. We are hardly found today's artist like them who strive to polish their own technique. They really far outshine the participants.