2010年5月10日 星期一

10th May, 2010 - HK needed to do more for the disabled

Getting around in the city can be an ordeal, some of the people in wheelchair said. The study by the Equal Opportunities Commission found that HK government have not done enough to make the city fully accessible. Lam Woon-Kwong, the new head of the commission took office in February, blamed that many government-owned premises such as libaries and wet markets did not boast with barrier-free facilities. He urged that the government should set up a high-level co-ordinating agency to ensure governmented-owned premises were fully accessible for the disabled, and suggested that bureaus should earmark a portion of its annual budget for providing barrier-free facilities in the premises under their management.
As there were a drozen of departments involved in provision of barrier-free facilities, that's why a agency is needed. The head also said the government should set a good example and take the lead to provide equal opportunites to reinforce peaceful and diversify image of the city. The study also disclosed other problems the disabled faced. Hospital Authority outpaient clinics only accept phone appointment that deter the hearing impaired. Also, roadside kerb imposes a hurdle on wheelchair users that they always need to take a longer way to their destination. Bus canpanies have not installed a GPS and speaker systems to tell the visually impaired that bus are approaching, and only a small portion of buses boasted with wheelchair access.
The study is expected to be released by the end of the month.

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