Liu Xiaobo had been sentenced to 11 years for his 'inciting subversion of State power'. The prosecution mainly stemmed from his participation with Charter 08, which is a manifesto signed by hundreds of human right activists to call for a democratic reform of China. Westerns had voiced their concerns about Liu's arrest, and ambassadors called on to free Liu when the sentence was handed down. However China seems without any intention to quash the conviction to Liu in status quo.
China's draconian manner in this case has drawed allegation that Beijing would like to give westerns message, tells them do not attempt to influence China's internal affairs. China's stiff stance and confidence are possibly braced with its domestic economic grown and less reliance on import amid global financial meltdown. But it's plain to see that China exploits this case to deter the democratic activists in the country and shut them up.
As a chinese, it's pleased to see China procure more and more say in international societies, but it seems its arbitrariness is also reinforced in tandem with the State power. The current trajectory of China's development, which is lack of democratic and specch freedom element, is not sustainable. A arbitaray regime would not win any respect among internationl bloc and would not be fully trust. Nowadays westerns has chanted China as a important partner and given certain respect to Beijing, was merely to gain concession to make money in China's huge markets. Apart from this, westerns are still reluctant to reserve China a seat in the round table and thus China is still facing resistance to turn up as a leader among international bloc.
If china intends to outshine westerns in the future, change is needed.
2009年12月26日 星期六
2009年12月20日 星期日
Copenhagen summit failure means nothing

The climate change conference turned out to be fail to enact a legally binding pact to limit carbon emissions. The conference had been faced resistance from developing countries which would inflict enormous economic loss if the pact come true. At this moment, it's still premature to assert the climate change is irreversible, even the conference did not make any tangible result. Before any concrete progresses, if any, coming in the future, it's time for us to play a role in mitigating climate change.
Which can we do? it's much more than you can imagine: turning off the lights and electric appliances you don't need; never waste any single paper as to save the woods; ride bus or other public transports but not private car; if it's a walkable distance, go on foot. It's from Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror":
And no message could've been any clearer
If you wanna make a world
A better place
Take a look at youself and make that
2009年12月8日 星期二
What we would get in the next 10 years?

Beijing's unwillingness of making concession for reducing its carbon emissions would be prejudicaial for the summit to come up with a substantial progress. As a developing country, China will harm its economic if beijing pledges to contract its carbon emission - for deducting every 1% emission, a few million jobs lost. I dont think Beijing will dare to take such responsibity as the social unrests are increasing.
Even for those developed countries, e.g. US, in one hand they just start riding out from the economic crisis and it's hard for them to give developing country handout. In the other they would be reluctant to see the developing countries boast a high emission quota. Both two sides are concerning their enormous vested interest, but i hope a win-win solution would be made as a result.
2009年12月6日 星期日
A confession
I hadn't update this blog last week, due to my ISP service was suspended till last friday. To be frank, even i couldn't get access to my blog, i should do it with notepad or MS WORD and loaded it into my USB drive or sth, then looked for a internet accessible PC to update the blog. It sounds very very crazy.
Normally, whether update your blog or not in a regular basis is not somethings with very high consequent. For me, i make this blog because i want to write somethings, sincerely, to record what i have seen or thought in last week. Everytime i wrote a new passage, i had looked deeply into my mind and learnt how to express my inside thinking with a language which i didn't grip it very well. Everytimes i added a new column to my blog, that implied i have another chance to practise myself how to reshuffle the muddled ideas in my mind. For me, keeping the blog updated is something quite important to refresh myself.
So i should do it at all cost, even i didn't have internet - yes, i admit it is crazy, I'm solely a very insane guy. But, as you have seen, i didn't do it, maybe i am not as crazy as i think.
Normally, whether update your blog or not in a regular basis is not somethings with very high consequent. For me, i make this blog because i want to write somethings, sincerely, to record what i have seen or thought in last week. Everytime i wrote a new passage, i had looked deeply into my mind and learnt how to express my inside thinking with a language which i didn't grip it very well. Everytimes i added a new column to my blog, that implied i have another chance to practise myself how to reshuffle the muddled ideas in my mind. For me, keeping the blog updated is something quite important to refresh myself.
So i should do it at all cost, even i didn't have internet - yes, i admit it is crazy, I'm solely a very insane guy. But, as you have seen, i didn't do it, maybe i am not as crazy as i think.
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