The climate change conference turned out to be fail to enact a legally binding pact to limit carbon emissions. The conference had been faced resistance from developing countries which would inflict enormous economic loss if the pact come true. At this moment, it's still premature to assert the climate change is irreversible, even the conference did not make any tangible result. Before any concrete progresses, if any, coming in the future, it's time for us to play a role in mitigating climate change.
Which can we do? it's much more than you can imagine: turning off the lights and electric appliances you don't need; never waste any single paper as to save the woods; ride bus or other public transports but not private car; if it's a walkable distance, go on foot. It's from Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror":
And no message could've been any clearer
If you wanna make a world
A better place
Take a look at youself and make that