Liu Xiaobo had been sentenced to 11 years for his 'inciting subversion of State power'. The prosecution mainly stemmed from his participation with Charter 08, which is a manifesto signed by hundreds of human right activists to call for a democratic reform of China. Westerns had voiced their concerns about Liu's arrest, and ambassadors called on to free Liu when the sentence was handed down. However China seems without any intention to quash the conviction to Liu in status quo.
China's draconian manner in this case has drawed allegation that Beijing would like to give westerns message, tells them do not attempt to influence China's internal affairs. China's stiff stance and confidence are possibly braced with its domestic economic grown and less reliance on import amid global financial meltdown. But it's plain to see that China exploits this case to deter the democratic activists in the country and shut them up.
As a chinese, it's pleased to see China procure more and more say in international societies, but it seems its arbitrariness is also reinforced in tandem with the State power. The current trajectory of China's development, which is lack of democratic and specch freedom element, is not sustainable. A arbitaray regime would not win any respect among internationl bloc and would not be fully trust. Nowadays westerns has chanted China as a important partner and given certain respect to Beijing, was merely to gain concession to make money in China's huge markets. Apart from this, westerns are still reluctant to reserve China a seat in the round table and thus China is still facing resistance to turn up as a leader among international bloc.
If china intends to outshine westerns in the future, change is needed.