2010年7月12日 星期一

12th July - It's Spain

Spain has emerged as the Champion of World Cup 2010 after a 120 minutes battle with Netherland. Spanish midfielder Iniesta scored the only goal in the match in 116 minute made Spain their first World Cup Champion. Netherland has become the runner-up and it's their third times defeated in the World Cup Final.

P.S. I have returned to HK in the Thursday last week, I will make a report of my German journey in this blog.

2010年6月3日 星期四

3rd June, 2010 - Travel on my own

Set off at 13:00 tomorrow and will land to frankfurt at 18:55. I hope for having a good time in Germany, Bless me.

2010年5月28日 星期五

28th May, 2010 - the biggest Apple

(Pictures from Digital Trends)

Apple had surpassed Microsoft to become the biggest software company in the world in term of market value. After a decades-long battle, Apple's market value had reached 222 billion US dollars yesterday and was higher than Microsoft's 219 billion US dollars. Critics attributed the overtake to Apple has successfully turned themselves into a advanced gadget manufacturer and lured customers by innovative designs. Some also criticised the inability of Microsoft managements and lack of sustainable developing trajectory. Microsoft claimed that they're still the most profitable software company in the world.

2010年5月26日 星期三

27th May, 2010 - Stocks plunged on fear of tension

Major stock markets in asia yesterday plunged to 10 months low as tension between South and North Korean rised. North announced to sever all links with South and cut all communication channels that strained the relationship. US and South planned two anti-submarine exercises off the Korean Peninsula to showcase power "to deter future agression", and US also appealed Beijing, the only political ally of North Korean, to help pacify the strained relationship. But Beijing's vague stance implied that China refused to give a assertive judge on the issue.

2010年5月24日 星期一

25th May, 2010 - More want to take part in the Debate

More political parties wanted to take part in the televised debate on constitutional reform. Last week Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-knen invited Civic Party leader Audrey Eu Yuet-mee to spar in a live televised debate on constitutional reform. But Tsang said the debate will be a twosome and not have any audience, and the debate host will be someone with neutral political backgroud. Other parties, such as Democratic Party and even pan-government parties, have called on Chief Executive to invite more parties member in the debate so that more voices from different political spectrum could be heard.

2010年5月20日 星期四

20th May, 2010 - Bangkok under fire

(From Yahoo.com)

Thai government yesterday ordered troops to strom the red shirt encampment in Bangkok commercial area, put an end to the two-months lasted demonstration. Thai soldiers dispersed protesters with guns and armor cars and prompted seven top leaders of red-shirt to turn themselves in to prevent more protesters killed. Some protesters burnt prominent buildings in bangkok, including the tourist's hot spot Central World and Stock Exchange. Those bulidings were severely damaged in blaze and caused over hundreds of millions dollars loss. Government proclaimed an overnight curfew in 23 provinces as well as the capital.
Ex-Thai PM Thaksin said in a television interview that the Government's crackdown would make people resentful and turn the demonstration into guerilla.

2010年5月19日 星期三

19th May, 2010 - Barca want to buy Fabregas

The Spanish Champion Barcelona is conducting a negotication to buy Arsenal midfielder Cesc Febregas and Valencia striker David Villa, according to the club's vice-president. The Club said David Villa's transfer was in a good progress, but it's still need a further negotiation with Arsenal over the transfer of Febregas. The club said they were keen on bringing back the Arsenal midfielder to Barca, as Febregas was a youth member of the club, and both the players want to come made everything much easier.

2010年5月18日 星期二

18th May, 2010 - Government double standard ?

The head of Lawmaker Regina Ip's think tank has been hired as Chief Executive's Office speical assistant. Ronald Chan Ngok pang, a former Southern district councillor, had resigned from his position and will start his work as speical assistant tomorrow. It spark a criticism of the government's double standard, as Chief Executive Donald Tsang said earlier that the five lawmakers' resignation and the by-election was a waste of resources and not neccessary, and also condemned the five legislators that they betrayed their promise to serve public. As Chan now needs to cut short his four-year tenure as a district councillor, critics said in certain extent he had also broken his promise to serve the district people and accused the government double standard.

2010年5月17日 星期一

17th May, 2010 - Low turnout in by-election

Low turnout in yesterday by-election dealt a blow to the pan-democrats. Five pan-democrat legislators resigned in January for the sake of holding a by-election, which was touted as a de facto referendum on universal suffrage. But under the boycott by government-friendly parties, high-rank officials refused to vote and also the pressure from Beijing prompted the by-election ending with record low turnout. The election-day was relatively peaceful and the five democreats won and attained their seat without any threatening. Despite pan-democrats said the excercise was successful in terms of reflecting people eagerness of universal suffrage, the government claimed the 17.1% turnout rate implied that the by-election was not welcomed by most of the people.

Reference: The commerical by pan-democrats

2010年5月12日 星期三

12th May, 2010 - One out of nine living under breadline in HK

(From ChinaNews)

The latest study revealed that more than 10% of people in Hong Kong were living in poverty. The figure increased by 19% in the first three quarters last year. The government said the increase was attributed by the global financial and economic crisis. Critics said the figure implied that the government stragety on poverty was not working. Despite Hong Kong had rode out from the economic downturn, it was an illusion that officials believed the trickle-down effect would help to ease the poverty.

2010年5月10日 星期一

10th May, 2010 - HK needed to do more for the disabled

Getting around in the city can be an ordeal, some of the people in wheelchair said. The study by the Equal Opportunities Commission found that HK government have not done enough to make the city fully accessible. Lam Woon-Kwong, the new head of the commission took office in February, blamed that many government-owned premises such as libaries and wet markets did not boast with barrier-free facilities. He urged that the government should set up a high-level co-ordinating agency to ensure governmented-owned premises were fully accessible for the disabled, and suggested that bureaus should earmark a portion of its annual budget for providing barrier-free facilities in the premises under their management.
As there were a drozen of departments involved in provision of barrier-free facilities, that's why a agency is needed. The head also said the government should set a good example and take the lead to provide equal opportunites to reinforce peaceful and diversify image of the city. The study also disclosed other problems the disabled faced. Hospital Authority outpaient clinics only accept phone appointment that deter the hearing impaired. Also, roadside kerb imposes a hurdle on wheelchair users that they always need to take a longer way to their destination. Bus canpanies have not installed a GPS and speaker systems to tell the visually impaired that bus are approaching, and only a small portion of buses boasted with wheelchair access.
The study is expected to be released by the end of the month.

2010年5月7日 星期五

07th May, 2010 - Duty-free cigarettes policy

Legislators yesterday warned that reducing the number of duty-free cigarettes travellers can bring from three packets to 19 cigarettes could be inconvenient to traveller and seemed to be ridiculous. Under the new curb, traveller could only bring a opened packet of cigarettes with no more than 19 cigarettes. Lawmakers said the government in one hand allowed duty-free shops in cross-border piers to sell unopened packets of cigarettes, and prohibited traveller to bring a intact pack of cigarettes in the other. It seemed the government was encouraging people to break the law. If travellers bring more than 19 cigarettes, they have to pay tax for the extra cigarettes or scrap them. Lawmakers said smoking is not allowed in cross-border piers, if some travellers brought one unopened packet, he needed to pay duty for that extra cigarette or open the packet to scrap that, it seemed to be preposterous and would harm the image of Hong Kong. Duty-free shop tenders worried that their business would be hit as duty-free cigarettes accounted for 60% of their revenue.
The government said they will consider whether to have a outright ban over cigarette in long term, in order to create a smoke-free Hong Kong.

2010年5月6日 星期四

6th May 2010 - UK General election 2010

(Photo from London Evening Standard)

The United Kingdom general election is underway and the result will be announced at 5:00 am tomorrow in Hong Kong.
The Conservative remained in first place in the poll yesterday and it was possible for the Conservative to smash the 13-years power grip of the Labour party. The Labour kept in second place and still slightly surpassed the Liberal Democrat in the poll even after the Brown's "bigot" gaffe, but there was a 5% gap between Conservative and Labour.
For the Liberal Democrat, the party could capture much more seats in the House of Commons than in the last election in 2005 no matter Nick Clegg wins the election or not.

2010年4月30日 星期五

30th April, 2010

(Photo from reuters, ceremony rehearsal on 27th April)

The opening ceremony of Expo 2010 kicked off in Shanghai at 8:00 tonight. State President Hu jintao and leaders over 20 countries turned up to remarked the extravaganza. The ceremony ended at 10:00.

2010年4月29日 星期四

29th April, 2010

Taxi drivers yesterday showed grievance over the newly introduced regulation that request drivers to shut down idling engine while waiting. Under the regulation, drivers are given a three minutes "grace period" and they must turn the idling engine within the time-limit. For taxi section, the first five cabs in the taxi queue are exempted. Taxi drivers called for the government to amend the regulation that all cabs in taxi queue can be exempted, becuase turning off the engine will shut the air-condition down and the temperature inside cab can reach over 40 degree celsius under summer red-hot weather. They afraided that will drive customer out.
Authorities said they understanded all stake-holders' concerns and they would strike a balance and come a consensus.

2010年4月28日 星期三

28th April, 2010

What you see is not a bowl of spaghetti, but is a PowerPoint slide US army used to explicate the Afghan military stragetegy in last summer. General Stanley McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, remarked on this," When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war."

The joke emerged a serious fact that the US army have unduly relied on using PowerPoint. Some generals said simplicity of the software produced a illusion of understanding and control, and sometimes underestimate the complexity of problems. They said it was unlikely for the software to elaborate the reality circumstance, and they tried to ban the use of PowerPoint in reporting. However, insiders said scrapping of PowerPoint was impossible in short term due to long-time reliance.

2010年4月27日 星期二

27th April, 2010

The Buildings Department yesterday disclosed a probe result of the fatal collapse of a tenement building in To Kwa Wan, which happened in January and claimed four lifes. But the report could not satisfy the victim's families as the probe was heavily laden with technical terms and failed to determine who should be accountable for the tragedy.
The report stated some supporting structures of the building were sabotaged by an external force and caused the fatal collapse, but did not assert what kind of external force is. The department said they were still looking for evidences to prove if there were someone deliberatly removed or weakened the supporting structures of the building.

2010年4月23日 星期五

23th April, 2010 - funny(?) news

A 54-year old man was afraid to back home to his wife after spending all night drinking in a Wan Chai bar. Therefore he cooked up a tale that he had been kidnapped. He sent a message to his wife that he was being held somewhere in New Territories for $10,000 ramsom. His anixous wife called police right away. When the man heard that, he called back to his wife that he had been released for paying $1,000. But investigating police laid his story bare by finding that he had left for Macau the next morning.

The court stated this as a "extremely foolish" and fined the man $1,000 for wasting police time.

2010年4月22日 星期四


It's something we needed to rein. One of the prominent differents bewteen human and beast is that human knows, should know, how to express their emotions in a legitimate way. I remember a story revolved around a rich woman and a man: One day, the woman said," I will only do thing that i like to." Then the man stared at the dog embraced in her arms and reply her, "My dear lady, for a being, you are same as your puppy." The story came from a renowned writer but i cannot recall his name. Pls let me know if you have heard that.

I have heard too much like "I do it my way.", "I couldn't help because i'm just this kind of person." and "it's suck please don't bother me.". I concede that it's impossible for us to be good all the time, a moment of spree is essential. But conversely it's not acceptable for someone to do everything at will. It is really a challenge to walk along with someone who doesn't know how to remain calm and says reasonably. The only way i used to cope with that is just shut my mouth up.

2010年4月20日 星期二

20th April, 2010

The global supply chain have been under predicament due to airlines halted in Europe. The huge volcano ash cloud propelled Europe flights to cancelled or delayed, and thus affected import-dependent economies such as Hong Kong. Supplies say Norwegian fresh salmon is out of stock and foods and flowers for hotels and restaurants are depleting. Thousands of traveller still stranded in Europe airports.

2010年4月19日 星期一

19th April, 2010 - nameless heroes

(Photo from Gulfnews)

The swift response to the Qinhai Yushu earthquake made by the central government should be praised, but there were many people had done their part in the rescure efforts. The media had predominately played up the smart leadership of government and marvellous work of rescure crews, but they seldom mentioned a group of people who played a crucial role in the rescure efforts - a thousands of Buddhist monks.

The monks, some of them lived in Yushu and other came from outside, provided a indispensable help to save lives. Dressed in maroon and yellow robes, we can see them everywhere in television images and newspaper pictures. They worked along with rescurers, pulled surviors and bodies out from rubble, helped distributing necessaries and even offer counselling to the victims. In light of the authorities yesterday, the death toll had raised to 1,706 and 256 were listed missing. But according to the living Buddha of the Jiegu monastery, the death toll could reach 10,000 eventually. Indeed, many people may not have registered the death of their loved one with government, but carried their bodies directly to the monasteries. As the rescurers from outside had suffered from high altitude sickness and faced language barrier, those monks have none of these problems and did even better and efficiently to reinforce the rescure efforts.

Over 90 percent of Yushu is populated by Tibetans, and most of them are deeply religious. The Buddhist monks offer spiritual guidance and comfort the victims who needed to cope with the death of their loved one. In the foreseeable future, those monks will linger to provide help in terms of bolstering the rebuilt of the city and counselling people in the aftermath of the rescure efforts.

2010年4月16日 星期五

16th April, 2010

(Photo from Xinhua)

High-altitude sickness, cold weather and incessant aftershocks compromised the rescure efforts in Qinhai, where hit by a magnitude of 7.1 earthquake on Wednesday. Due to lack of tools and machineries, rescures used their bare hands to claw through the debris in order to pull surviors out amid bitter cold and sparse oxygen in breathing air. Rescure workers and sniffer dogs were suffered from high-altitude sickness and thus compromised the rescure efficiency. Since aftershocks with magnitude from 5 to 6 were possible, extra danger was added. Released by rescure headquarters by 4:30 pm yesterday, the dead tolls had risen to 760, 243 were missing and 11,477 were in injured. Rescurers were working around the clock since the 72-hours "golden-period" was close to an end.

2010年4月15日 星期四

15th April, 2010

A magnitude of 7.1 earthquake hit a Tibetan-populated prefecture in Qinghai province yesterday. Over 10,000 were injured and at lease 400 were killed, over 90 percent of buildings in epicentre, mainly made of wood and mud, were reduced to rubble and many people were trapped under the debris. Both President Hu Jintao and Premier Wan Jiabo ordered recure crews to go all out to save life and the central government set aside 200 million yuan for resuce effort.
Since the linking roads were severely damaged, recure operation was thus hampered.

2010年4月14日 星期三

14th April, 2010

Leaders of the BRIC nations - Brazil, Russia, India and China - will convene in Brasillia tomorrow to disscuss the use of their own currencies in bilateral trade and investment. If the disscussion can make concrete progress, it will lessen the reliance on US dollar among the BRIC nations. But analysts said it would not bring a big impact in short term as the trading size between BRIC is relatively small comparing with other major parties.

A union leader at St Teresa's hospital alleged that the hospital have compelled nurses to sign false clinical records to conceal the hospital's understaff. The Department of Health and the police are investigation the allegation and St Teresa's Hospital have denied the charge and claimed that the allegation is groundless.

2010年4月8日 星期四

8th April, 2010

US Treasury chief Geithner flown to Beijing to meet Vice-Premier Wang Qi-Shan. Analysts saw Geithner's visit as a effort to seek a deal for revaluation of the Yuan, but also agreed that the likelyhood for Yuan's appreciation would be small. Even Beijing is willing to resume its currency rise in this year, it could be limited in the range of three to five percent.
Obama administration have been under mounting pressure from Congress and businesses, which argued that an undervalued Yuan was undermining US economic.

2010年4月7日 星期三

7th April, 2010 - United Kingdom general election

The election day of the United Kingdom general election will be 6th May, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced yesterday. It triggered a month-long election campaign that Brown's Labour will battle David Cameron's Conservatives, which are ahead in opinion polls. The dates for Britain's first pre-poll live television debates in the three week before the election has been set on 15, 22 and 29 April respectively.
If Labour wins, it will be its fourth concessive term in office.

2010年4月5日 星期一

5th April, 2010

The Ladder Street escalator project have been under fire by the residents and historians. The escalator project, which aimed at mitigating traffic congestion due to the likely reprieve of the building restruction in the area, would possibly sabotage the historial heritages in the street. The bureau claimed that the project would offer benefit to the elderly, save travel time and promote tourism.

2010年3月24日 星期三

24th March 2010

The government is studying to overhaul the air pollution index which have been used for 15 years to indicate the pollutants level in the air of the city. This stemmed from the sandstorm which blanketed the city since Sunday night, and the air pollution index (API) surged over 500. Insiders of the study said the current system failed to tell the direct health impact of various pollutants, and cannot give clear-cut medical advises to needies. The government is studying the Canadian pollution alert system as a alternative method to make API better.

Internet search engine provider Google announced to shut down Goggle.cn and moved the search service to its Hong Kong server. People who try to access Google.cn will automatically redirect to the simplifed-Chinese version of Google.hk, which provides uncersored imformation in English, traditonal Chinese and simplifed Chinese. China reacted testily for the bombshell dropped by the internet giant, and claimed that Google violated its promises. Google said the decision was a sensitive solution to the current situation. Google's beijing office is still operating after the news delivered.

2010年3月22日 星期一

22nd March 2010 - a little story

A 45-years old African had fought for his ID card for 20 years. Mark Ayivor, arrived in Hong Kong 20 years ago, said" This is my ID card, it's great. I slept with tears of joy that night."

20 years ago, Mark Ayivor arrived in Hong Kong as a tourist from Lesotho. But then he was arrested for overstaying in 1991 and charged of using forged passport from Lesotho. He was jailed for three years. A removal order was issued in May 1993, but official found nowhere to place him due to the closure of Lesotho consulate. In 1997, he was jailed again. He was convicted of supplying drugs to students and sentenced to three years. The conviction was then reprieved in his appeal due to the evidence was found to be "highly prejudicial".

He insisted his passort was genuine and there are unfairness in his case. He became stateless as he passport was confiscated. After he was released from his second jail, he was issued a recognisance document that allowed him to walk in the city. But it didn't grant him any rights as Hong Kong resident, "I couldn't do anything and it was sickening living in the city without ID card. It's just like being stranded in the middle of the ocean and you cannot move."

He cannot get a job without ID card. With no income, he can only turn to his friend or charities. Sometimes he would exploit his English language skill to earn him some money, but very little. In his early years in the city, Mark slept in parks, on the ground outside the Star Ferry Pier, or on the rooftops of old building in Tsim Sha Tsui. In 2002, he moved into a small flat in To Kwa Wan with monthly rent $1400.

He has not been in contact with his family in Maseru, and his parents was both died during his time in Hong Kong. He approached to former lawmaker Elsie Tu and sent letter to the Chief Executive's office for seeking help. But it took until he wrote to lawmaker Emily Lau Wai-hing on Nov 2009. Emily helped Mark to pass his letter to the head of immigration and thus Mark's case was spotted. Immigration then decided to issue Mark a ID card on humanitarian ground. In December 2009, Mark Ayivor received a letter from immigration and said his case was under consideration and his removal order from 1993 was rescinded. "I was so happy and grateful that they finally accept my case. I can now have a normal life, earn a living and everybody will accept me."

With newly issued ID card, Mark Ayivor's life has been changed. He can do everything now, which are taken for granted by almost everyone in Hong Kong. He has joined clubs, applied for library card and bank account, as well as a construction training course. "I have passed the exam for the Construction Industry Satefy Training Certificate, now i'm qualified to work in construction." He is now searching for a job, also considering studing accounting, and even start a family in Hong Kong. "I also think about going back home for a look," he said, adding that he was appreciating the people who gave their handout during his struggling 20 years.

2010年3月19日 星期五

19 th March 2010

Macau gambling tycoon Stanley Ho Hung-sun has been accused to link with organised crime according to a report by the New Jersey state attorney general's Division of Gaming Enforcement. The report claimed that the VIP private gambling room introduced in Ho's casino provided organised crime a chance to thrive in Macau. Stanley Ho has denied any link with organised crime and has never been arrested or convicted. Casino operator MGM mirage, announced to team up with Ho's daughter Pansy Ho Chiu-king to develop gambling venture in Macau, said the report would not affect the co-operation as there are no clue to show that Pansy Ho has engaged in any wrongdoing.

Most of the state-owned enterprises have been ordered to opt out from any property investment and concentrate on their own businesses. For the SOEs whose primary business is property are exempted from the order. Insiders said it's a resort used to rein in the up surging property market.

2010年3月18日 星期四

18th March 2010

The government may consider to lift the limitation that restrict development on mid-levels after the MTR's west island line opens in 2014. The so-called Mid-Levels moratorium which took effect in 40 years ago was aiming to prevent traffic jam in the hilly area - nevertheless the area has became highly congested. Removing the restriction sparked controversy that it would aggravate the traffic congestion in the area since patronage of MTR's west island line is still unknown. The government projected to build two more escalators and plan road improvement work to help relieve the traffic jam caused.

The Hong Kong football association has yet to decide to implement changes proposed in a consultancy study since the association needs a 75% majority to make the project pass.

2010年3月17日 星期三

17th March 2010

The Urban Renewal Authority and Secretary for Development Lam Cheng Yuet ngor announced a alternative renewal plan for Wing Lee Street yesterday. The new plan saved the street from demolition and was widely seen as a gesture to show the government's willingness to make concession on relatively less important project amid surging public pressure. If the plan is adopted, all 12 tenement buildins in the street will be preserved in stead of 3 building in the original plan. The authority, have alreadly acquired half of the properties in the street, will no longer approach to the owners for acquisition. Owners who received compensation before can stay but need to pay the compensation back. For owners still interested in selling their properties can approach to the authority, but under the new plan owners would only be given an amount equivalent to the existing value of their flats, which is much lower than the original plan - owners can receive an amount equivalent to the seven years old building.
Some of the owners and tenants said they were upset by the new plan since they hoped to relocate to public housing. One of the tenants said she had waited the government for buying her flat for over 10 years.

2010年3月15日 星期一

15th March 2010

Premier Wen Jiabao yesterday rebutted criticism that China is deliberately keeping its currency undervalued. Premier Wen claimed that the stability of Yuan played a important role in global economic recovery, and China's currency policy would hinge on the development of domestic economy but not foreign pressure. US recently stepped up the pressure added on China's currency policy in order to resume yuan's appreciation.

New World's property sales tactics have sparked controversy again. The Masterpiece in Tsim Sha Tsui was found that NW have selled 39 flats in advance, and suspected that NW exploited the selling to make a picture of good sell.

2010年3月12日 星期五

12th March,2010

Top TVB executive Stephen Chan Chi Wan was arrested by ICAC yesterday along with a former assistant and other three employees. They were suspected of getting advantages by working in a company which arranged job for TVB's artists while without TVB authority. Stephen Chan, who had worked with government as a administrative officer, have been a renowned programme producer and worked with TVB for over 10 years. In 2002 he was promoted as a assistant general manager. Chan's name was not widespread until the TV talk-show Be My Guest starting to air on TVB's lifestyle channel in 2006. The programme was popular with guests such as prominent government officials and well-famed artists.

Beijing tightened restriction on indepentent domestic non-government organisations to receiving overseas donations. Under the new regulations, those organisations would face more scrutiny than ever. China also refused those NGO to register as a non-profitable organisations and that implied those organisations were liable to pay tax. NGO workers and insiders thought the move would pose a hardship to the organisations to survive since they have already faced draconian retrictions from various government departments.

Financial data of about 15,000 affluent customers of HSBC was found to be stolen in three years ago. HSBC said they knew the data was stolen but they didn't know which customers' data were getting involved, until the data was found in earlier this month. All of the affected customers were using the private bank service of Swissland branch, and cilents outside swiss branch were not affected. The bank is contacting the customers to explain and apologise.

2010年3月10日 星期三

10th March, 2010

The blaze on Monday that killed a fireman have prompted calls for comprehensive inspection of all the old industrial buildings in the city. The building which was gutted by the blaze was found without sprinkler system and suspected to be over-rezoned illegally. The floor originally designed to have 4 units was found to be partitioned into smaller compartments, and at lease accomodated 12 companies.

The number change of home-return permit posed confusion. The home-return permit, which is the counterpart of ID card for HongKongers in mainland, was essential for banking, property purchase and travelling in China. The number change caused a inconvenience since most HongKongers were still using their old-number for those services in China. Federation of Trade Union have delivered their concerns to mainland.

2010年3月8日 星期一

09th March,2010

Another acid attack in Sham Shui Po Apliu Street happened last night. Police said a Blue Girl beer bottle was used again and the attack might be linked with the other attacks in the district. The latest attack have been the 12th attack in the city since December 2008.

China projected to expand its high speed rail network to western Europe as to foster the development in those districts. Project insiders claimed that those area were inadequately developed but abandant with varied of natural resources. The traffic network expansion aimed at boosting the social development in those area and China hoped that the project can help to gain concession to tap resources in the districts.

2010年3月6日 星期六

06th March, 2010

China set to tighten bank lending and reduce new-construction project in the coming fiscal year. Due to the economic rebounds and surging assest prices, Beijing set to reduce the bank lending by increasing the deposit reservation limit of bank, and mainly pour resources on existing construction projects, in order to prevent overheat and make a more sustainable trajectory.

Some of the most prominent judges and lawyers paid tribute to the outgoing Chief Justice Andrew Li for his remarkable contribution to the HK legal system. Last year Li had been decided to step down early in August this year for a "orderly sucession".

2010年3月1日 星期一

After marathon

Finally i had finished my 10km race. In light of the clock in the finish line, my result should be around 1:04:xx. It's not very good, even bad, but i guessed that the de facto result should be a bit faster, maybe around 55 min sth. Just because there were too much people in the starting area. Even you had heard the starting bell, you could only walk till the crowd was dispersed. When even you could set to run, it's still diffcult for you to run at your own speed coz it's still too much people on the course. Sometimes you would see people walk and chat with friends in the centre of the road, so you needed to put extra afford to bypass those walker. But those are not big problems at all, i really enjoyed the running. Despite the weather is relatively hot and humid, i didn't find myself any problem.

It's very likely for me to take part again in the next year, but i would consider to turn to whole marathon this time.

2010年2月21日 星期日

Happy New Year!

It's a bit late - i wish everyone all the best in the coming Year of Tiger.

HK film Ecohes of the Rainbow have won the Crystal Bear in Berlin, it's marvellous to hear that in the beginning of the year. I'm looking forward the movie on screen in summer.

Last week was very cool. Each season have its own character and colour, for winter it is tranquility and dark. I like winter the most, it remains my mind peaceful and i can thus think more reasonably. Summer is good but i have often been dazzled under the hot weather.

One week to go HK marathon. I have did running practice since last spring, i wish i can finish my course with a pretty result. The only thing needed to worry about is that It's not likely for me to sleep well in the night before - the game will start at 6:30 AM and i don't know if i can get up at 5:00 AM that day.

2010年2月7日 星期日

Eventful Week

Many things had happened in the city this week. A multi-storey run-down building collapsed and claimed 4 lifes; Nina Wang's estate row was over, Mr Chan failed to be the heir of the hundred million dollars estate; Noble Prize winner Dr Kao returned to Hong Kong. It should be more but i can't remember all of them at this moment.

They all are big, but not bigger than that: I have lost my Job.

Yes, I have lost my job.

It's a very imminent issue. Despite my last day in office is approaching, i still have no idea of what's the new job i have to get. But there is something very clear in my mind, that's: i will not find a engineering work as my new job this time. I hope i can have a brand new experience in the coming year.

Maybe a short trip is wonderful.

2010年1月31日 星期日


If a real man should dare to take risk, what i'm going to do will make me one of them.

2010年1月24日 星期日

Let me off this week

Something has to be done.

2010年1月17日 星期日

The Greatest Google

The undaunted internet giant wins praise for it giving up censorship on web serach service in China. Google has done a great job to tell the importance of speech freedom and set a example to other enterprises which have given compromises under the assertiveness of China. It dare to offend authorities for the sake of retaining the crucial motto of the company is worth us to repect.

But it is really a hard decision to give up such a huge market as China. It seems reckless for the giant to abandon astronomical take-home profits to just gain public respects in return. China is not likely to give concession to the giant for its defiant act, so it apparently implies the business of Google in China will not be sustainable. But the leave of Google, a powerful competitor, will probably undermine the innovation and development of mainland's internet industries due to lack of competition, as Baidu would nearly take over the entire market share once Google leave. It is solely a lose-lose approach, i don't think the two parties will accept it as a final result. I presume one of them will give in, but i can't imagine China will be that one.

So far I really appreciate Google's noble act to keep loyal to its crucial motto, but i guess the outcome may not be elegant as we expect.

2010年1月10日 星期日

Busy week

Need to reshuffle my time table.

2010年1月3日 星期日

Good bye, 2009.

2009 is a very eventful year, we had witnessed Economic Tsunami, Obama be the first black US president, the pass away of Michael Jackson and the 60th anniversary of Republic of China. So much events had happened in 2009, and each event has still impacted our world unprecedentedly.

Albeit the world has devoted to ride out from economic downturn, there're still long way to go. Obama had been confered the Noble Prize of Peace, but it's yet to see any concrete result come with his works. China has garnered more and more say in the international bloc, but its assertiveness seems growing with its state power. It seems 2010 will still be a hilly year, i hope everythings have a positive outcome.

Welcome, 2010.

P.S. Goodbye again, Michael.